Hi, I’m Andrew 👋

I started Hardlinephone.com to solve the problem faced by many international entrepreneurs and digital nomads: access to a real US Phone number to receive SMS codes.


We setup a hardware phone in the US for you, with a real US SIM card, so that you can have access to your own permanent, long term US Phone number, to receive text messages like a local US resident.


As an entrepreneur or digital nomad, you want to earn in USD, get paid in USD, and live elsewhere in the world, where your dollar can go further. I first encountered the term geoarbitrage in Tim Ferris’s book, The Four Hour Work Week, along with the idea of lifestyle design.

Living outside of the US and trying to earn in USD is a reality for the majority of the world’s Entrepreneurs, and I predict that this will increase in future years. Especially with the world realizing that remote work is possible, after 2020.

Now in 2024, if you want to get paid in PayPal, have a US WhatsApp account for customer support, a US bank account, and most importantly, you want to maintain access to them, in the long term, as part of your net-positive, long-term, revenue-generating business, then you’re going to need a real, reliable US number.

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